Different Task Types
When creating a task you can set it to repeat on a regular schedule, or be a one off/ad-hoc (non-repeating) task. Recurring Tasks For repeating tasks, you can set a task to repeat every Month End, Quarter End, Half-year, Year End, Daily, Weekly, or two weeks (fortnightly). Month End: These tasks will recur every month end Quarter End: These tasks will only occur on your quarter ends. The quarter end date is derived from the year end date you set for each coPopularDelete a Task
As you work, you may no longer need to perform certain tasks (yay for less work). To remove a task, navigate to Settings Tasks, select the "..." icon to the right of the task and select Archive. Once a task is Archived it will no longer appear in any future periods, however all your previous checklists will remain unchanged in order to preserve your audit evidence. You can view all your tasks tPopularEdit a Task
Tasks can be edited at any point in time. You can make any changes, or if easier just archive the task and create a new one, refer to the article on how to delete a task. Whenever an edit is made to a task, the change will only reflect in future periods. All past periods and tasks will remain as they are in order to preserve your audit log. Tasks can be edited from two different locations, from the Settings, or from a month-end or daily checklist directly.Some readersAdd, Edit or Remove a Company or Entity
As the companies your team looks after change, you can easily update Easy Month End to reflect these changes. You can add, edit, and archive a company from either the settings screen, or when creating a task. Add a company from the Settings screen Go to Settings Entities and then New Entity. When creating a new entity, you will need to enter the company's name, country and year end. You canSome readersCreate a One-off Task
You can create a one-off (referred to as non repeating) task and assign it to any team member. These are great for small items that need to be captured but don’t form part of your normal month end close process. One off tasks can only be created in the period that they relate to. This means you need to be in the Monthly or Daily Checklist, depending on where you want the one off task to sit. Daily One-off Tasks For one off tasks to appear in the daily checklist, select the New task buttSome readersCheck your Month-End Progress
While Easy Month End does a lot more than just help you manage your month-end close, this is where it all began. To check how your team is tracking on month end, navigate to the current month end by either using the month end toggle function, or click the dot to be taken to the current month end. Once on the desired month end, select the Summary tab. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/wSome readersSigning off Tasks
Adding a sign off To sign off a task as either prepared or reviewed, simply select the Mark complete? or Mark reviewed? checkbox below the assignee's name. This sign off process is the same for all tasks regardless of the task type. Once a task has been successfully signed off as prepared or reviewed, you will see the task change to now say "Completed" or "Reviewed" along with the day it was completed. The full time stamp is included within the tasks audit log. (https://storage.cSome readersCheck the Progress of your Daily or Weekly Tasks
All recurring tasks that occur Daily, Weekly, or Fortnightly (every other week) can be found under the Daily checklist. You can toggle through each of the days using the toggle functions, with the central "dot" icon returning you to today's tasks. Or, if you select the summary tab within the DaSome readersChange or Edit an Area
Areas allow you to track and review your month end progress by sub categories that are unique to your business. Whether you want to track by areas of your BS, P&L, or by the nature of the task, it's over to you. To see all the current Area that exist in your profile go to Settings Areas. Areas can be added or edited from this screen, however you can add in a new area directly from a Checklist if easier. Adding or Editing an area from the Settings screen Go to Settings Areas anSome readersReallocate a Task
A task can be reallocated in any period that has not yet been completed (ie. The current month end and any future months). You can reallocate either the tasks preparer, reviewer, or both. To reallocate the task, go into the month / day you want the change in allocation to begin from. On the relevant task, select from the drop down menu who you would like the task to be allocated to. Any change in pFew readersCreate a Recurring Task
Easy Month End is designed specifically for the different types of repeating tasks that Finance teams will have. For a full explanation of the different repletion frequency of tasks, refer to the article on Task Types. Tasks can either be created in Settings Tasks, or within the Monthly/Daily Checklist. Regardless of where you are creating a task from, the mandatory information required for each task is: Description, Repeats every, and Entity.Few readersCheck a Task's Audit Log
We keep full audit logs so that you have evidence of review and segregation of duties when the auditors come around. To see the audit log on any task, navigate to the month you need to check, on the task you wish to see the audit log for, select the More button. The task's audit log will be under the comment box. Each tasks audit log will capture: Sign offs (preparer, and reviewer) RemovalFew readersUsing Filters
Your company may have hundreds of individual tasks each month end, and you may only want to see certain tasks, areas, or companies, depending on your responsibility. You can use filters in each checklist to help navigate the large volume of tasks you may have. The filters are in each Checklist at the top of the page. There are quick access filters, default filters and custom filters for youFew readersCreate a custom filter
A custom filter can be created and then saved for you to use for future month ends. Read our guide on using filters for a full description.Few readersView all your Tasks
All your tasks (regardless of where you have created them from and what recurring frequency they relate to are able to be viewed in Settings Tasks. You can filter your tasks to by the type of task (refer to the article on the different types of tasks) From this screen you can also add, edit, or archive a task.Few readersTask Excel Upload
If you are setting up your account for the first time, or just need help bringing in a lot of tasks, then we can help out. Download the Excel document here Add all your existing tasks to the template Send it to pete@easymonthend.com and we will get your account all set up in the background for youFew readers