Using Filters
Your company may have hundreds of individual tasks each month end, and you may only want to see certain tasks, areas, or companies, depending on your responsibility.
You can use filters in each checklist to help navigate the large volume of tasks you may have. The filters are in each Checklist at the top of the page.

There are quick access filters, default filters and** custom filters** for you to choose from.
Quick access filters
These are some pre-set filters that the majority of teams have said they find useful.
They can be found on the left-most drop down on the filter bar and include:

For today: This will show all tasks that are due today
Mine to prepare: this will show all tasks that are you have been allocated to prepare, it will show all tasks, including those that have been signed off already.
Mine to review: this will show all tasks that are you have been allocated to prepare, it will show all tasks, including those that have been signed off already.
Overdue: this will show all tasks that are overdue
Any custom filters you create will also appear in the quick access filters. For example in the screenshot above we have created a customer filter that only shows tasks that are the user's responsibility to review and they have been signed off as prepared (ie. They are ready for the user to review).
Default filters
Default filters allow you to filter on any Entity, Area, Preparer, Reviewer, whether the task is over due, what is due today, whether the task is signed off as prepared, or reviewed yet
Choose "More" for the advanced filter options
Unlike Excel you can combine a number of options to your filters to get it just right for your needs.
Custom Filters
Once you have created a filter that you love and want to use again and again simply select the Save view button.

You can name your custom filter and it will appear in the quick access filter ready for you to use when ever you want it
You can use filters in each checklist to help navigate the large volume of tasks you may have. The filters are in each Checklist at the top of the page.

There are quick access filters, default filters and** custom filters** for you to choose from.
Quick access filters
These are some pre-set filters that the majority of teams have said they find useful.
They can be found on the left-most drop down on the filter bar and include:

For today: This will show all tasks that are due today
Mine to prepare: this will show all tasks that are you have been allocated to prepare, it will show all tasks, including those that have been signed off already.
Mine to review: this will show all tasks that are you have been allocated to prepare, it will show all tasks, including those that have been signed off already.
Overdue: this will show all tasks that are overdue
Any custom filters you create will also appear in the quick access filters. For example in the screenshot above we have created a customer filter that only shows tasks that are the user's responsibility to review and they have been signed off as prepared (ie. They are ready for the user to review).
Default filters
Default filters allow you to filter on any Entity, Area, Preparer, Reviewer, whether the task is over due, what is due today, whether the task is signed off as prepared, or reviewed yet
Choose "More" for the advanced filter options
Unlike Excel you can combine a number of options to your filters to get it just right for your needs.
Custom Filters
Once you have created a filter that you love and want to use again and again simply select the Save view button.

You can name your custom filter and it will appear in the quick access filter ready for you to use when ever you want it
Updated on: 22/06/2023
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