Articles on: Checklists & Tasks

Check your Month-End Progress

While Easy Month End does a lot more than just help you manage your month-end close, this is where it all began.

To check how your team is tracking on month end, navigate to the current month end by either using the month end toggle function, or click the dot to be taken to the current month end.

Once on the desired month end, select the Summary tab.

In the Summary tab, you will be able to see your team's Overall progress, a Progress tracker by day, Progress by Team Member, Progress by Area, and Progress by Entity.

When reviewing your month end progress we use the below key terms (and colours);

Prepared (green): The task is completed
Attention needed (orange): The tasks is one day overdue (ie. was due yesterday)
Off Track (red): The task is more than one day overdue
Reviewed (purple): The task has been reviewed. Reviewed tasks do not contribute to the total percentage progress
Not completed (grey): The task is not yet due (ie. Due today or in the future)

Overall Progress

This shows how your team is tracking overall for all month end tasks. The percentage given is based on the ‘prepared’ status of all tasks, whether a task has been reviewed or not, does not factor into the overall percentage.

Progress Tracker

This will show you how your team is tracking compared to the set timeline, based on each tasks due date.

The grey dotted line is the set timeline based on the tasks due dates, while the solid green line is your team's actual progress. The chart only reflects task completion, the review status of tasks is not factored into the timeline.

Progress by Team Member

Each member of the team will how they are tracking at completing their allocated tasks by their due dates.

By clicking the name of each team member beneath the completion circle, it will take you to the Checklist filtered for all the tasks that are assigned to that team member.

The green outer line represents the tasks that they are assigned to prepare, it does not consider the tasks that the person is assigned to review.

The purple line is the reviewed status (ie. Has the task they were assigned been reviewed or not) of the tasks they have been allocated to prepare.

It does not represent the tasks that individual is assigned to review.

Progress by Area

Areas allow you to track your team progress by sub categories. How you manage your month-end close is unique to you, so track what you will find useful. The green outer line represents the tasks that are assigned to that area and are prepared, the purple line represents the reviewed status of the tasks allocated to that Area. The percentage given for each Area only represents the prepared status of the tasks for that Area, it does not reflect the reviewed status.

By clicking the name of the Areas beneath the completion circle, it will take you to the Checklist filtered for all the tasks that are assigned to that Area.

You can change the areas you wish to break your month end close into at any point in time, For further information on setting up areas, refer to the Areas help section.

Progress by entity

Easy Month End allows you to track the progress against each company your team manages so you can identify any issues or delays early. Each entity you create will have its own progress tracker. The green outer line represents the tasks that are assigned to that Company/Entity and are prepared, the purple line represents the reviewed status of the tasks allocated to that Company/Entity. The percentage given for each area only represents the prepared status of the tasks for that Company/Entity, it does not reflect the reviewed status.

By selecting the name of the Company/Entity beneath the completion circle, it will take you to the Checklist filtered for all the tasks that are assigned to that Company/Entity.

You can add or remove entities as your business needs change, you can also customise your companies with shorter names. Refer to the article on entities.

Updated on: 22/06/2023

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